Who it’s for

The style packages and services we offer are for anyone and everyone! Men, women, young, mature, adventurous, not so adventurous. Whether you find yourself too busy to shop or feel that you need a little guidance or even a complete overhaul we can help.

Stuck in a rut? Do you get up and look at your wardrobe and feel disheartened and end up wearing the same thing everyday? The Style Doctors can solve this problem by making sure you are using 100% of your wardrobe instead of 10%.

Do you feel that you have a few good pieces in your wardrobe but would like to know what to do with them? This is certainly something we can help you with. Rather than telling you to buy a whole new wardrobe we will look at yours first and put outfits together using the clothes you already have.

Perhaps you don’t have ANY clothes that you like, fit-into or are suitable? Perhaps you feel like you want a whole new look and just want to know how to create a style that suits you. We can help!

Has your weight fluctuated recently? Has your body shape changed? Have you reached a point in your life where you just don’t know what suits you anymore? We can advise you on what will best suit your figure/shape and make you happy with what you see. We guarantee to make you feel fantastic.

Have you got a special occasion coming up? A wedding, a party or an event? We can help make you look and feel wonderful for a specific occasion.

“Everyone could do with a little bit of the Style Doctors magic, whether you have a bulging wardrobe or a stack of t-shirts!”

If you think you need help, The Style Doctors Image Consultants and Personal Stylists are the answer! Our wide range of clients come from all walks of life and we can cater for needs across the widest spectrum of ages.

Have a look at our Packages to see which best suits your needs. If you’d prefer to talk to a member of the team please give us a call.

We also offer packages for Corporate Clients such as Style Seminars and Confidence Boosting team building events. Style Doctors are also available for large scale media events.

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